What are you passionate about?


Have you ever really taken a look at what really gets you excited?  I was on a recent Huzza which is a live broadcast platform.  My good friend Sandra Vansickle of  New Tech-Style host’s a weekly broadcast on Wednesday mornings at 8:00AM EST.  Right now we are discussing the book “The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod.   The broad casts are full of great information and the conversation’s can be real eyeopeners.

Bird Bradenton FL Bird in Flight Bradenton FL Bird with fish in mouth Bradenton FL

On this weeks broadcast we were discussing Affirmations and Visualizations which are discussed in chapter 6 of the book (The Miracle Morning).  So back to passions.  As we were discussing the content of the book the conversation got me thinking about what it is that I am passionate about and the question came up “What were you passionate about that you may not be doing?”  For the that answer was photography.  I had always wanted to be a photographer for National Geographic magazine.   Looking back I still remember the moment that dream was squashed for me.  Why did I listen at that point in time, I am not quite sure, but it all worked out in the end.  I am however in this phase of my life very passionate about keeping the art of upholstery alive and sharing those skills with the next generation.  My love of photography however has not died and is still quite alive.IMG_2777


So why am I talking about this you ask?  Well if you have a desire, a passion, a dream or a vision for your life I want to encourage you to GO FOR IT!  Don’t let the “noise” of negative thinkers bring your dreams to a halt as I did with my first passion.  The world is full of positive people who will encourage you and those are the voices you need to listen to.



Enjoy a few of my pictures but know that my passion for photography and sharing the art of upholstery are both alive and well!
