How can you find Kim & Bill Live online you ask?
Every Wednesday at 3:00 est you can find Bill and me answering questions and chatting with tour members. This is one perk our members love as much as we do. The members get to join in on a live zoom where they can ask questions about a project that they are working on. We have a lot of great conversations about all things upholstery. Don’t be shy, we would love to have joined in on the conversation.
If you are not a member and would like to get to know us, I invite you to join Kim’s DIY Upholstery Hangout Group on Facebook and share what upholstery project you are working on.
We would love to meet you and follow along with you as you learn upholstery.

Another way to get to know us and our teaching style is our Upholstery Life page. Here you’ll find great tips, and tools and meet some of our upholstery friends in these free videos.
A few years back we were doing Facebook live videos. Below you will find some links to a few of them.
I hope to see you in the membership soon!
You Can Upholster Your Dining Room Chair Seat!
Enjoy our LIVE video where I show you "How To Upholster Dining Room Chair Seat" Upholster your dining room chair seats. Bring a little personality into your home decor! Dining room chair seats are the perfect beginner project. With a bit of muscle, foam, dacron, and a few tools, you, too, can
DIY Christmas Pillows
Enjoy our LIVE videos where I share how to make DIY applique Christmas pillows DIY Christmas Pillows Bring a little personality into your holiday decor! These applique and trim pillows are a quick and easy project to brighten up your home decore... and you can make them any theme you want.
Upholstering A Club Chair – 5 Videos
Learn How I Upholstered This Club Chair LIVE on Facebook Club Chairs are a fun DIY upholstery project. This chair started as a relatively basic beige piece, complete with a skirt that we ultimately decided to leave off for a cleaner, more modern look this time. Bill and I stumbled upon this gem
You too Can Reupholster This Antique Rocking Chair
Enjoy our LIVE videos, where I share how I upholstered this Antique Rocking Chair Reupholstering An Antique Rocking Chair I picked this rocking chair up several years ago at a tag sale. It was just the perfect piece for my enclosed porch. I spend
DIY Halloween Trick Or Treat Bag
Pre-recorded video on making a Halloween goodie bag A few years ago I did a live video making trick-or-treat bags for my grandchildren. Since that live was also on YouTube I receive emails asking for the free pdf every year. Posting this here will give you easy access to the information so you
How To Reupholster A Wingback Chair Using 2 Fabrics
Pre-recorded LIVE videos How To Reupholster A Wingback Chair Can I say I’m totally hooked on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace? That’s where the addiction to finding amazing upholstery projects really kicks in. Before you know it, your house will be filled with orphaned chairs just waiting for